Useful JHMS links:
Online Reference Tools
Search for books and more using Destiny Discover,
our online catalog*!
*TIP: * LOGIN with your TCSD Google account to maximize your Destiny Discover experience (access your library account & more)!
JHMS Library Policies
Loan periods: Books, eBooks, eAudiobooks, and digital magazines checkout for 3 weeks and have NO overdue fines. Digital items will automatically be returned at the end of the loan period. Students - please log into your Destiny account to see what you have checked out and the due date(s). Students can renew most items themselves one time in Destiny PRIOR TO the due date; once overdue or for a 2nd renewal period, students can bring the item(s) to the library in-person to ask for a renewal.
Loan limitations: In general, the JHMS Library does not set a limit on the number of books students can borrow at a time. Students should consider how many books they can read and be responsible for at a time. From time to time, the library staff members may place limits if students have fines for missing or damaged items, or regularly have difficulty returning items in a timely manner.
Communication: The JHMS Library will attempt to send automated emails to TCSD Gmail accounts to communicate with students about books coming due soon, books that are on hold, and books that are overdue. Emails may also be sent to parents/guardians send for items that are 3 or more weeks overdue. Look for emails from jhmslibrary
Lost or damaged materials: In accordance with TCSD Board Policy IJ " Instructional Resources and Materials", borrowers will be charged a fee (typically the original cost of the item to TCSD / JHMS) for lost or damaged library materials. Please do not purchase replacement items directly - we will do so using our library cataloging specifications. Payment is accepted as cash or checks made out to Jackson Hole Middle School (JHMS). Please be extra careful with food and liquids in backpacks - these are the leading causes of damaged books in the JHMS Library.
Behavior expectations: Students are expected to follow JHMS behavior guidelines: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be a Colt!
* Please note that books with a YA (Young Adult) sticker on their spines may have teen/mature content.
Contact the JHMS Library
Stop by in person or email the library staff:
JHMS Librarian - Ms. Gillen (she,her): agillen @
JHMS Library Assistant - Mrs. Musclow (she,her): smusclow @
USPS Mailing address: ATTN Jackson Hole Middle School Library, PO Box 568, Jackson WY 83001
Library Hours
The JHMS library is open most school days from 8:30 am until 4 pm.
Students are welcome to visit the library before school, after lunch, or any time they have a few free minutes during the day! In addition to books, we have board games and other activities to do!
Thank you for thinking of the JHMS Library for your donation of books (English, Spanish, or bilingual) in new or like-new condition!
Gifts and donations to the JHMS Library are accepted with the understanding that the decision for use and disposition of the materials and/or funds will be determined using the same selection criteria as purchased materials. Gifts and donations, like purchased resources, will be removed from the collection at the end of their useful life.
Faculty - If you would like to schedule time for your class in the JHMS Library, please email Ms. Gillen (agillen
Library Media Center Mission Statement for Teton County School District #1
The school library media centers of our district promote, support, and serve learning activities and curriculum of the schools. Each library media center program….